Find the password in a large text file with a matching string.
Host name is
User: bandit7
password: HKBPTKQnIay4Fw76bEy8PVxKEDQRKTzs
Commands used for this level:
ls - List information about the FILE's (the current directory by default).
cat - used to view contents of a file.
grep - searches the named input files.
Step 1.
After logging in type ls
You will see a file data.txt
Step 2.
In that data.txt file we need to find the word millionth and our password will be next to it.
Go ahead and try a cat data.txt to see what happens.We get a giant stream of data, we need to filter that data.We know from the last level that grep is great for searching for a matched string. Lets pipe our cat of data.txt to grep and match the word millionth.
Type cat data.txt | grep millionth and our password for level 8 is displayed.
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